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Training & Education: Disabilities

Factsheet: Women with Disabilities and Violence

Disabled Women's Network of Canada

Violence against women with disabilities shares common characteristics with violence against women in general. Women with disabilities also experience forms of abuse that women without disabilities do not. This factsheet details the specific factors invovled in violence against women with disabilities.

Right to be Safe: Creating Inclusive Services for Women with Disabilities Experiencing Violence

Disability Alliance BC

The resource booklet is intended to provide service providers in the violence prevention and response sector with information on statistics about violence against women with disabilities, understanding barriers people with disabilities face, and communication and interaction tips about people with a range of disabilities. The resource booklet is also a tool for accessibility planning for organizations and government programs, as well as conducting a community safety audit.

Women with Disabilities and Abuse - Access to Supports

Doris Rajan, for DAWN-RAFH Canada

A review of work in the area of violence prevention. The purpose of this review is to improve funding, examine the issue of violence and women with disabilities, and to understand who is donating time, resources, and money to this problem.

People with Disabilities and their Caregivers - Power & Control Wheel

Ending Violence Association of BC

A visual diagram exploring factors in power and control for people with disabilities, and their caregivers. 


DisAbled Women's Network (DAWN-RAFH)

DAWN-RAFH is an organization that works towards the advancement and inclusion of women and girls with disabilities and Deaf women in Canada.

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