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Training & Education: Internet/Social Media

Cyberviolence Against Women & Girls

Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women

A report of cyberviolence against women and girls. It focuses on working towards improving the lives of young women and girls, by creating a strategy that can help transform digital spaces to be empowering, and challenge and eliminate instances of cyberviolence.

Open Source E-Binder

iScout Instructional Services

A report on "Cyber Surveillance". There is a password to open this file: iscout604

From BC Collaborates to Sexual and Domestic Violence. 

Global Social Media Directory

CF Noonan & AW Piatt

A Resource Guide to Global Social Media Platforms.

From BC Collaborates to Stop Sexual and Domestic Violence.

Sexual Violence and Social Media

Crime Prevention Ottawa

Sexual Violence and Social Media: Building a Framework for Prevention explores the relationship between sexual violence and social media with a focus on youth.


Prepared by Jordan Fairbairn, PhD Candidate, Carleton University & Dr. Rena Bivens, Carleton University Dr. Myrna Dawson, University of Guelph.

Technology Safety

National Network to End Domestic Violence

Exploring technology in the context of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and violence against women.

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