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Training & Education: Warning Signs

Abuse in Intimate Partner Relationships

Status of Women Canada

It may be difficult to tell for sure that someone is being abused, as abusive actions and behaviours often do not take place in front of others. This website provides signs and symptoms which may indicate that someone is being abused.

Domestic Violence and Abuse: Signs of Abuse and Abusive Relationships

Help Guide

Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an abusive relationship is the first step to ending it. This website contains signs that someone may be experiencing relationship violence, and contains resources to get help.

Domestic Violence Homicides: Are We Missing the Warning Signs?

Kelly A. Watt, Ph.D.

Warning signs for intimate partner violence, prepared for the Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Conference 2015. 

Helping Abused Women

Western Education Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children

How you can identify and help women at risk of abuse: warning signs, signs of high risk, ways to support the abused woman, and how to overcome any hesitation to help. 

Make It Our Business

Western Education Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children

Information and education to help employers and any other workplace stakeholders to meet their obligations to prevent and respond to domestic violence in the workplace. 

Domestic and Relationship Violence

Native Women's Association of Canada

Fact sheet on what domestic/relationship violence is, warning signs, and what you can do. 

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